Saturday, October 20, 2007

I went cycling last Sunday which I supposed to work at the first place, but at the second, not anymore. =)

And I bump into taf xfj and her beau at ECP. How small the world can be, anyone?

Speaking about working out, (I suppose cycling count), I browse through internet and saw this:

10 Reasons to Hop to It:-
1. Burns up to 1,000 calories per hour.
2. Tones your entire body -- arms, legs, trunk, and back.

3. Is easy to learn (master’s degree in Pilates not required).
4. Improves your game, whether you golf, swim, ski, or play tennis.
5. Is totally cheap (ropes can start at $3.99) and portable (a 4-foot by 6-foot area is all you need).
6. Looks cool . . . check out those boxers at the gym who know what they’re doing.
7. Can be a solo or group workout.
8. Is gender neutral.
9. Is family friendly. Give your kids a rope, too!
10. Can be a blast. Make up some jump rope tricks, and have fun with it.


Time to hop!!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
